
Food Intolerance Test


It indicates which foods cause disease symptoms by affecting the body and cause the reaction called late type sensitivity. In cases where our health is impaired and inflammation response in our blood increases, a wrong immune response may also occur against foods. The 3 different types of food interactions are below:

  • Food allergies: In these, the immune system is involved and the fastest and most severe response is seen here. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, hives (urticaria), swelling, and even anaphylaxis (swelling in the airways that can be fatal).
  • Food intolerances: Unlike allergies, these do not directly involve the immune system. Intolerances occur when your body cannot digest certain foods (e.g. dairy products) or when your digestive system is irritated by these foods. These usually develop as a result of enzyme deficiencies.
  • Food sensitivities: These, like allergies, are mediated by immunity, but food sensitivities are the result of a more delayed reaction. You can digest a small amount of that food without any problem; But consuming it in large quantities or repeatedly every day can gradually increase inflammation in your body to the point where it can affect your health.

The food intolerance test is directed towards food intolerances, thanks to an elimination nutrition program organized by determining food intolerances in the light of these measurement data, the functioning of the immune system can improve.
