What is Funcitonal Medicine?

This is a new approach emerges from the same scientific origin of today's medicine, a relatively new treatment approachesmodel in Turkey.
In today's medicine, the treatment is regulated according to diagnose. The process is very intense and the root causes of diseases are not questioning.

Functional medicine evaluation investigates the underlying causes of the symptoms and signs of the patients.
Determination and treatment of root causes of diseases is possible by functional medicine approach.
The functional medicine approach is at the forefront treatment model in terms of chronic diseases that are becoming widespread today due to examining the causes of diseases and treating the patient as a whole.

Which patients are eligible for functional medicine evaluation?

Those with chronic diseases, those who use a large number of medications and want to reduce it, or those who simply do not feel healthy can apply.

Being a more natural approach makes the Functional Medicine evaluation an appropriate approach for those who want to learn about their health and who want to be protected from chronic diseases.

How is functional medicine treatment?

Medicines are rarely included in functional medicine treatment. It is aimed to eliminate the factors that play a role in the development of the disease for the recovery and protection of the person.

Patient education and encouragement, the "replacement" approach with supplements, and certain lifestyle changes are often included in functional medicine treatment.