Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is a vitamin-like chemical called an antioxidant. Yeast, liver, kidney, spinach, broccoli, and potato are good sources of alpha-lipoic acid. It is also made for use as a medicine in the laboratory.

Alpha-lipoic acid is most commonly taken orally for diabetes and nerve-related diabetes symptoms such as burning, pain, and numbness in the legs and arms. High doses of alpha-lipoic acid have been approved in Germany for the treatment of these nerve-related symptoms. Alpha-lipoic acid helps prevent certain types of cell damage in the body and also restores vitamin levels such as vitamin E and vitamin C. There is evidence that alfa-lipoic acid can increase the function and conductivity of neurons in diabetes.

Also, alpha-lipoic acid is used in the body to break down carbohydrates and make energy for other organs in the body, and alpha-lipoic acid works as an antioxidant, which means it can provide protection to the brain under conditions of damage or injury. Antioxidant effects can also help with some liver diseases.

Acetyl L-Carnitine

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is used by the body to create antioxidants. Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage. NAC can be taken as a supplement or as a prescription drug.

As a prescription drug, doctors use NAC to treat acetaminophen overdose. It can also help break down mucus in people with certain lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis. As a supplement, some people use NAC to try to protect the liver. There is evidence that certain medications can help prevent bladder or neurological damage caused by them.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 does many things for our body. For example, it helps prepare our DNA and red blood cells, and is an effective vitamin in all metabolism as well as in the nervous system metabolism.

Since our bodies do not produce vitamin B12, we have to get it from animal foods or supplements. And you have to do this regularly, because our body cannot store vitamin B12 for a long time.

In deficiency;

When vitamin B12, which is effective for the intestines to work, is depleted, this work slows down or works quickly. Therefore, the intestine either has difficulty in resolving nutrients or it dissolves quickly. It causes two different digestive problems such as constipation and persistent diarrhea.

Vitamin B12 is required for the health of the nerve endings and for the exchange within the body. However, when vitamin B12 is deficient, nerve cells cannot provide enough stimulants to the brain, which increases brain fatigue. Accordingly, mental disturbances such as stress and tension increase.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is among the reasons for the decrease in the body's resistance to diseases. This is why we experience constant flu and tiredness.

The weakening of muscles and bones and the rapid depletion of body energy during the day are among the symptoms of B12 deficiency.
The daily dose of B12 varies depending on your eating habits and medical conditions and what medications you take. It can be controlled by the doctor and the dose can be increased or decreased.


Biotin is a coenzyme and a B vitamin. It is also known as vitamin H.
Biotin plays an important role in the body. It supports the health of the skin, nervous system, digestive system, metabolism and cells. One small study suggested that biotin and other micronutrients helped treat peripheral neuropathy, nerve pain in the extremities that can be caused by kidney failure or diabetes.

  • Used for strong nails and healthy hair.
  • It is suitable to be given to mothers for "cradle cup" treatment.
  • "Bifidobacterium bifidum" and fucto-oligosaccharides should also be given to newborns who cannot be fed with milk to develop their normal intestinal flora. Bifidobacterium bifidum is the main source of biotin in the presence of fructo-oligosaccharides in newborns.
  • It is recommended for diabetics and those with diabetic neuropathy.

Biotin is very safe and no side effects have been reported due to the use of biotin. The dose to be used should be adjusted by the doctor, it can be reduced or refined if necessary.


Bromelain is a protein digestive enzyme derived from the fruit and stem of pineapple.Bromelain is used specifically to reduce swelling (inflammation) in the nose and sinuses. It is also used for hay fever, treats an intestinal condition involving swelling and ulcers (ulcerative colitis), then removes dead and damaged tissue (debridement), prevents water accumulation in the lung (lung edema), relaxes muscles, stimulates muscle contractions, antibiotics Increases absorption.

It is used to prevent muscle pain after intense exercise. Also, bromalein is used to lower inflammation for arthritis (osteoarthritis).

Bromelain appears to cause the body to produce substances that fight pain and swelling (inflammation).
Bromelain also contains chemicals that interfere with the growth of tumor cells and late blood coagulation.


Zinc is present in all of our cells and in the structure of about 200 enzymes. Zinc takes part in more enzymatic reactions than other minerals. It also takes part in the formation of many hormones such as thymus hormones, insulin and growth hormone. There is an average of 1.4-2.5 g of zinc in humans. It is mostly stored in muscle tissue (65%) in the body. It is found in erythrocytes and leukocytes at the highest rate.

Borderline zinc deficiency manifests itself with increased susceptibility to infection, delayed wound healing, decreased sense of smell and taste, skin disorders such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Other findings associated with zinc deficiency can be stated as decreased night vision, growth retardation, testicular atrophy, mouth ulcers, white layer formation on the tongue, and bad breath.

White spots on the nails can indicate a zinc deficiency. As a result of the delay in wound healing due to zinc deficiency, punctures may occur as a result of nail root trauma.

It is very important in the immune system. When the zinc level decreases, the number of T cells and thymus hormones decreases, and the functions of the white blood cells in the immune response stop. Fortunately, these effects can be corrected when adequate zinc supplementation is provided. It has a direct antiviral activity like zinc and vitamin C. It is also effective against viruses that cause colds.

In addition, zinc is perhaps the most important trace mineral in the male reproductive system. It is involved in all stages of the male reproductive system such as hormone metabolism, sperm formation and movement. Zinc deficiency leads to a decrease in testosterone levels and sperm count.

There are many forms of zinc that can be used. Picolinate, acetate, citrate, glyceride and methionine-bound forms of zinc. Zinc picolinate is the most bioavailable.

Nutrition in Functional Medicine

Having a genetic predisposition to any disease does not mean that the disease will occur immediately. The genetic predisposition for a disease to occur is only a causative factor. Many factors such as nutrition, lifestyle, toxic exposure, stress, sleep quality, exercise status, smoking and alcohol use are effective in the emergence of the disease. These factors cause the threshold of the disease to be exceeded and thus the disease to appear with its symptoms.

The concept of nutrition according to diseases has actually been applied for many years. However, especially autoimmune diseases (MS (multiple sclerosis), eczema, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto thyroiditis, etc.), metabolic diseases (Type 2 Diabetes, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, hypertension, osteoporosis, etc.), neurological diseases (hyperactivity, attention deficit The importance of nutrition in diseases such as allergies, intolerances, asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, rheumatological diseases has only recently been demonstrated. Changing the diet and lifestyle in these disease groups, the cause of which is not known until now, has created the concept of Nutrition in Functional Medicine. Its mechanism of action is the inflammation it creates in the body as a result of the absorption of the food that touches us into the blood by passing through the intestinal membrane after various transformations in the body. As a result of this inflammation, any tissue in the body may be damaged. After this damage, sometimes skin lesions, rashes, psoriasis etc. are seen, sometimes an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto's thyroid, rheumatoid arthritis or a neurological disease may develop.

In the diet model due to diseases, individual nutrition is planned by eliminating unhealthy foods and foods that cause intolerance. With this treatment planning, which is applied in combination with some nutritional supplements, it is aimed to ensure that the body heals itself.

Vitamin D

Alpha-lipoic acid is a vitamin-like chemical called an antioxidant. Yeast, liver, kidney, spinach, broccoli, and potato are good sources of alpha-lipoic acid. It is also made for use as a medicine in the laboratory.

Alpha-lipoic acid is most commonly taken orally for diabetes and nerve-related diabetes symptoms such as burning, pain, and numbness in the legs and arms. High doses of alpha-lipoic acid have been approved in Germany for the treatment of these nerve-related symptoms. Alpha-lipoic acid helps prevent certain types of cell damage in the body and also restores vitamin levels such as vitamin E and vitamin C. There is evidence that alfa-lipoic acid can increase the function and conductivity of neurons in diabetes.

Also, alpha-lipoic acid is used in the body to break down carbohydrates and make energy for other organs in the body, and alpha-lipoic acid works as an antioxidant, which means it can provide protection to the brain under conditions of damage or injury. Antioxidant effects can also help with some liver diseases.

What should be the vitamin D level?

  • Excessively Low Vitamin D Level: Below 30 ng / mL
  • Slightly Low Vitamin D Level: Between 30 ng / mL and 39 nmol
  • Normal Vitamin D Level: Between 40 ng / mL and 100 nmol / L
  • High Vitamin D Level: higher than 150 ng / mL

The daily dose should be determined by the doctor and can be reduced or increased as needed.

Ester C

Of the preferred forms of vitamin C, ester C vitamins are both oil and water soluble. Its ester structure ensures a higher absorption rate of vitamin C and its long-term retention in the body. Therefore, we can say that its bioavailability is higher than standard ascorbic acid.

Ester C contains l-threonic, lyxonic and xylonic acids, which are active metabolites of vitamin C. In addition, the vitamin C in ester C is buffered and is not acidic. Therefore, there is no risk of accumulation in the kidneys.

Generally, vitamin C is an essential vitamin that plays an active role in all metabolism. It should be used especially due to its antioxidant properties and immune support.

Exogenous Vitamin C intake is required for the formation of collagen in tissues and tissue repair. Ascorbate is reversibly oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid in the body. In addition, if vitamin C levels taken against free radicals are insufficient, chromosomes are likely to be damaged.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, also known as folate, that has many important functions in the body. Many foods contain naturally, and in fortified foods synthetically produced forms. Since it has important functions in cell production, an adequate intake is extremely important, especially during rapid growth periods such as pregnancy, infancy and adolescence.

Folic acid has a wide variety of functions in the body. It helps the body produce new cells and protect the produced cells. Another function is to prevent DNA changes that can cause cancer. It is necessary for the production of red and white blood cells in the bone marrow, the conversion of carbohydrates into energy and the production of DNA and RNA.
In particular, it plays a key role in the formation of red blood cells. Folic acid deficiency is the cause of a type of anemia known as megaloblastic anemia in both adults and children.

Vitamin K2

K vitamins are a group of fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins K1 and K2 are the two most important forms of vitamin K found in foods. Vitamin K1 generally plays a role in blood coagulation, while vitamin K2 plays a role in building bone, maintaining bone strength and preventing calcium accumulation in vessels.

While vitamin K2 reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, innovative treatment methods that should be applied to optimize bone strength and reduce the risk of fractures were included. Vitamin K2 should be taken along with calcium, vitamin D and magnesium to support strong bones and healthy vessels.

Studies conclude that vitamin K2 is effective in improving bone health. A meta-analysis study concluded that high vitamin K2 levels decreased by approximately 60% in vertebral fractures, 77% in hip fractures, and approximately 81% in all non-vertebral fractures. Vitamin K2 supplementation increased bone strength in postmenopausal women in a three-year clinical study.

In addition, increased vitamin K2 intake is thought to be associated with a decrease in calcium accumulation in the vessels. In addition, clinical studies have proven that vitamin K2 supplementation increases the elasticity of the vessels (in three years).

Vitamin K2 activates proteins that help the body use calcium properly by simultaneously supporting skeletal and cardiovascular health.

The fact that vitamin K2 supplements are based on olive oil increases the absorption and benefits. K2 vitamins offered with vitamin D should be preferred.
K2 vitamin doses should be under the supervision of a doctor and the dose to be used for the treatment of the patient can be increased or decreased by the doctor.

Krill Oil (Omega 3)

Krill oil is oil obtained from a small, shrimp-like animal. Baleen whales, mantas, and whale sharks primarily eat krill. The word "krill" in Norwegian means "whale food". People extract the oil from the krill, place it in capsules and use it as a medicine. Some brands of krill oil products indicate that they are using Antarctic krill. This often refers to the type of krill called Euphausia Superba.

Krill oil is most often taken by mouth for heart disease, high amounts of certain blood fats (triglycerides) and high cholesterol. It is also used for dry eyes.

Krill oil contains fatty acids similar to fish oil. These oils are thought to be beneficial oils that reduce swelling, lower cholesterol and make blood platelets less sticky. When blood platelets are less sticky, they are less likely to form clots.

Other effects of krill oil:

  • It is used to delay aging on the skin.
  • It lowers cholesterol in high cholesterol.
  • It is lowers high blood fat. (Triglyceride lowering)
  • Used in osteoarthritis treatments.
  • Used in premenstrual syndrome.
  • Used in rheumatoid arthritis treatments.
  • It protects against cancer.
  • It is used in depression treatments.
  • It is used in the treatment of stroke
Chromium Picolinate

Chromium (chromium) is an essential mineral our body needs in trace amounts. When combined with picolinic acid, it is referred to as chromium picolinate (chromium picolinate). It is used to prevent chromium deficiency that can develop as a result of malnutrition, stress and aging.

Chromium plays a role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in your body and has positive effects on diabetes. Because of a condition called insulin resistance, diabetics cannot use insulin properly. With chromium picolinate supplementation, it enhances the signaling effect of chromium insulin and reduces the amount of sugar released to circulate in your bloodstream.
High cholesterol is extra fat in the bloodstream that builds up in the arteries and can cause heart disease, heart attack or stroke. According to a review published in the December 2006 issue of the journal "Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics", chromium picolinate supplements can help lower your cholesterol levels. Researchers state that chromium reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Better absorption of chromium picolinate than other forms of chromium may increase its cholesterol-lowering benefits.

Curcumin (Turmeric)

Turmeric powder as a spice is a common food used in Indian cooking. Used as a spice, turmeric is obtained from the underground stems of the plant, namely rhizomes.

Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It has been used as a spice and medicinal herb for thousands of years in India. Recently, science has begun to support this knowledge that Indians have long been aware of; This plant contains compounds with medicinal properties.

Curcumin, the main bioactive ingredient in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory properties. Consumption with piperine can create effective results in order to increase its bioavailability. Therefore, when turmeric is used with black pepper, the body provides better absorption.

Curcumin is the name given to the yellow pigment of turmeric, most commonly found in curries, also found in abundance in flowering plants of the ginger family. The component curcumin, a polyphenol with anti-inflammatory properties, can ease pain, depression, and problems with inflammation. At the same time, this component is effective in increasing the body's production of three different antioxidants. These antioxidants; glutathione, catalase and superoxide dismutase.

Most of the studies on this herb generally examine the topic of turmeric extract benefits. Curcumin dosages generally used in the content of the extract are high in grams. It is very difficult to reach this dosage level using turmeric spice only in food.

Therefore, in order to experience all the effects of the herb quickly, it is necessary to take a supplement containing a significant amount of curcumin. This is because curcumin has a low absorption in the bloodstream. Curcumin is fat-soluble, so taking it with a fatty meal might be a better idea.

According to the National Institutes of Health, turmeric can slow blood clotting. It is dangerous to use with blood thinners. For use with these drugs, it should be used in consultation with the doctor. Due to its blood-thinning side effects, turmeric should be discontinued at least two weeks before any surgical procedure.


Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid and its main function is the formation of proteins. There are two types of glutamine. These are L-glutamine and D-glutamine. While L-glutamine participates in the structure of proteins, D-glutamine is a slightly less important product for living organisms. L-glutamine can also be synthesized by the body.
When glutamate (glutamic acid), a non-essential amino acid, is broken down and combined with nitrogen containing ammonia molecules, glutamine is produced in the human body. In other words, glutamine attracts nitrogen and cleans the ammonia in the body. It transports nitrogen between tissues.

Glutamine is an essential amino acid for the immune system. It is essential for immune cells, white blood cells and some tissues. Some research shows that glutamine supplements can improve the immune system and reduce infections.

It is also thought that glutamine can improve the health of the intestinal system. Glutamine is also thought to protect metabolism against leaky gut syndrome.

Magnesium Bisglycinate

Magnesium is a mineral essential for the flawless functioning of many systems in our bodies. Magnesium molecule is the co-factor of more than 300 enzymes in our body, that is, it helps enzymes to work.

There are 4 forms of magnesium; magnesium citrate, magnesium acetyl taurate and magnesium malate, and magnesium glycinate.

Magnesium glycinate: It provides the highest absorption in the brain and muscle.

In magnesium deficiency;

  • Muscle cramps
  • Constant tiredness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Constipation
  • Headache, migraine
  • Palpitations, heart rhythm disturbances
  • Severe menstrual cramps
  • Nervousness, anxiety or depression
  • Hypertension
  • Leaky gut syndrome, reflux
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Kidney stones
  • Autism, Attention Disorder (ADD)
  • Obesity occurs.
Multivitaminler, bazı diğer bileşenlerle birlikte birçok farklı vitamin ve mineral içeren takviyelerdir. Günümüzde verimsiz tarım sonucunda üretilen sebze ve meyvelerin vitamin ve mineral değerleri yetersizdir. Ayrıca hayvansal ürünlerden aldığımız vitamin ve minerallerin de vücudumuzda yetersizlikleri ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çünkü besi hayvanlarının çiftlikte yetiştirilmesi sonucu vücudumuza almamız gerek vitamin ve minerallerin biyoyararlınımları azalmaktadır.

Piyasada bir çok multivitamin çeşitleri vardır. Size uygun olanı doktorunuzun önereceği bir şekilde kullanıp, sağlıklı beslenmenizi destekleyebilirsiniz.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is used by the body to create antioxidants. Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage. NAC can be taken as a supplement or as a prescription drug.

As a prescription drug, doctors use NAC to treat acetaminophen overdose. It can also help break down mucus in people with certain lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis. As a supplement, some people use NAC to try to protect the liver. There is evidence that certain medications can help prevent bladder or neurological damage caused by them.


Inulin is a starchy substance found in a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and herbs such as wheat, onion, banana, leek, artichoke and asparagus. Used in medicine, inulin is most commonly obtained by dipping chicory roots in hot water.

It is widely used for high blood fats, including inulin, cholesterol and triglycerides. It is also used for weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, and diabetes.

Inulin is not digested or absorbed in the stomach. It goes into the intestines where bacteria can use it. It supports the increase of a specific bacterial flora associated with improving gut function and overall health. Inulin reduces the body's ability to make certain types of fat.

Where Is It Effective?

Constipation: Inulin helps relieve constipation in some children, adults, and the elderly. It helps to make stools softer.

Diabetes: Short-term use of inulin together with antidiabetic drugs is effective in regulating blood sugar levels in some people with diabetes.

High levels of fat in the blood called triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia): Taking inulin is effective in lowering triglyceride levels in people with high triglyceride levels.

Obesity: There are studies showing that taking inulin reduces body weight slightly in overweight or obese adults. In obese children, inulin reduces the amount of body fat.


The beneficial bacteria settled in various parts of the body such as skin, mouth, reproductive organs and intestines are called the "flora" of that region, with its new name "microbiota".

It has been determined that the number of beneficial microorganisms in the human body is 10 times more than the total number of cells in the host. These useful drums are called probiotics.

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are especially good for your digestive system. Probiotics are often referred to as "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep our entire metabolism healthy.

When choosing a probiotic food supplement, the amount of strain in it, ie the variety of bacteria and the number of bacteria strain is important.

You should consult your doctor and choose the probiotic product that is right for you.

Coenzyme Q10
Koenzim Q10 vücutta bulunan, ancak özellikle kalp, karaciğer, böbrek ve pankreasta bulunan vitamin ben-zeri bir maddedir. Et ve deniz ürünlerinde az miktarda bulunur. Koenzim Q10 da laboratuvarda da yapılabi-lir.

Koenzim Q10, kalp yetmezliği ve vücutta sıvı birikmesi (konjestif kalp yetmezliği veya CHF), göğüs ağrısı (anjina) ve yüksek tansiyon gibi kalbi etkileyen durumlar için kullanılır. Ayrıca, migrene bağlı baş ağrısını, Parkinson hastalığını ve diğer birçok durumu önlemek için kullanılır.

Koenzim Q10, birçok organın düzgün çalışması ve vücuttaki kimyasal reaksiyonlar için gerekli olan vitamin benzeri önemli bir maddedir. Hücrelere enerji sağlanmasına yardımcı olur. Koenzim Q10 da antioksidan aktiviteye sahiptir. Kalp yetmezliği, yüksek tansiyon, diş eti hastalığı, Parkinson hastalığı, kan enfeksiyonla-rı, kasların belirli hastalıkları ve HIV enfeksiyonu gibi belirli hastalıkları olan kişilerde koenzim Q10 seviyesi düşük olabilir.

Selenium is a mineral found in soil, water, and some foods. It is essential for the correct functioning of many body processes.
Most of the selenium in the body comes from the diet. The amount of selenium in food depends on where it is grown. Crab, liver, fish, poultry are generally good selenium sources. The amount of selenium in soils varies widely around the world; This means that the foods grown in these soils also have different selenium levels. In the US, the East Coastal Plain and the Pacific Northwest have the lowest levels of selenium. People in these areas naturally get about 60 to 90 mcg of selenium per day from their diet. While this amount of selenium is sufficient, it is below the average daily intake of 125 mcg in the US.

Selenium is used for selenium deficiency, a disease that causes underactive thyroid (autoimmune thyroiditis) and high blood pressure during pregnancy. It is also used for heart disease and blood vessels as well as many other conditions, such as stroke, complications from statin medications, and abnormal cholesterol levels.

Selenium is essential for the correct functioning of many body processes. It increases the effect of antioxidants.


Taurine is an amino sulphonic acid, but is often referred to as an amino acid, a chemical with a building block required by protein. Taurine is found in large amounts in the brain, retina, heart and blood cells called platelets. Its best sources are meat and fish.

Some people take taurine supplements as medication to treat congestive heart failure (CHF), high blood pressure, liver disease (hepatitis), high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), and cystic fibrosis. Other uses are seizure disorders (epilepsy), autism, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eye problems (disorders of the retina), diabetes, psychosis, and alcoholism. It is also used to prevent the side effects of chemotherapy and to improve mental performance as an antioxidant. Antioxidants protect the body's cells from damage (oxidation) caused by certain chemical reactions involving oxygen.



Today's fast-paced lifestyle and wrong eating habits can negatively affect digestive health. Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems around the world. Approximately 40% of adults suffer from constipation. Women are at least two times more likely to have chronic constipation than men. Functional medicine offers a more holistic approach, looking for underlying root causes, not just the surface symptoms of disease. A center for functional medicine, provides individualized treatment strategies, evaluating a wide range of factors from gut microbiota to hormonal irregularities, from dietary habits to stress management. With this causative perspective, chronic conditions like constipation can manage more effectively with individualised supplements which produced in its own R&D supported factory.

What Causes Constipation?

More than one factor can be effective in a person with constipation.

Insufficient water consumption

Low Fiber Intake

A sedentary life

Some medicines


Dietary changes


Hormonal Changes

Intestinal motility deficiency

Three Mechanisms of Constipation:

1- There is a vast ecosystem inside your bowels

In addition to the foods you consume, microorganisms and indigestable fibers need to be able to move freely in harmony from a mechanical perspective. Everything you put inside your plate is a destined to effect gut motiliy.

2- Your bowels has its own network

As satellites in the sky, intestinal motility uses nerve fibres to tranfer its contents. If there is too much fermentation occured in small intestines this can impair effectivity of peristaltic vawes. If the aim is to eliminate constipation, the microbial balance needs to be improved.

3- The digestive tract is a very large muscle mass

When you have symptoms such as weakness and pain in your muscles throughout your entire system, the same goes for your gut. According to this, to restore normal bowel function, you also need to optimize your muscle functions.


A well designed combination must contain magnesium citrate, which has a relaxing effect on the intestinal barrier. Regular magnesium intake helps intestinal muscle to contract more regularly and thus to work more effectively.

Additionally, Vitamin C is well known to help the intestinal evacuation process with less complaints and more compliance.

Increased permeability can effect motility by deprivation of gut barrier health. Glutamine strengthens the intestinal barrier by improving gut permeability. This enhances the absoption functions of the intestinal wall and prevents toxins from leaking into the circulation.

At the other hand, obstruction as an unwanted complication can makes it harder to relieve constipation symptoms, guar gum helps softening the gut content.

DGL is a form of licorice that has the glycyrrhizin removed. Licorice has protective benefits on the digestive mucosa, which soothes and protects the lining of the stomach and intestines.

Peppermint oil helps relieve stomach cramps, bloating, particularly if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Peppermint oil contains terpenoids, which blocks calcium channels in smooth muscle, thus producing antispasmodic effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

In simple words, constipation is a composition of lack of relaxion, power and soft gut content.

Although countless different phenomena develop under these diverse malfunctions of digestive system, solutions may be simple like the natural needs of a spontaneously operating gut.