Chromium Picolinate


Chromium (chromium) is an essential mineral our body needs in trace amounts. When combined with picolinic acid, it is referred to as chromium picolinate (chromium picolinate). It is used to prevent chromium deficiency that can develop as a result of malnutrition, stress and aging.

Chromium plays a role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in your body and has positive effects on diabetes. Because of a condition called insulin resistance, diabetics cannot use insulin properly. With chromium picolinate supplementation, it enhances the signaling effect of chromium insulin and reduces the amount of sugar released to circulate in your bloodstream.
High cholesterol is extra fat in the bloodstream that builds up in the arteries and can cause heart disease, heart attack or stroke. According to a review published in the December 2006 issue of the journal "Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics", chromium picolinate supplements can help lower your cholesterol levels. Researchers state that chromium reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Better absorption of chromium picolinate than other forms of chromium may increase its cholesterol-lowering benefits.